44% OFF

One Science Nutrition EAA (Essential Amino Acids)- 30 Serving, 360Gm

  • 12g EAA per scoop
  • Faster amino acid absorption rate
  • 2g Citrulline Malate 1:1
  • 500mg Betaine
  • 250mg Choline
  • 2g Taurine
  • All 9 essential amino acids

Importer: Muscle House India (✓ Authorized By Brand) | info@musclehouseindia.com | +91-011-45960935



Original price was: ₹3,999.00.Current price is: ₹2,249.00.

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Pomegrante Berries

One Science Nutrition EAA is uniquely formulated to help you build and repair new muscle. It has all 9 essential amino acids, which contribute to the growth and helps maintain muscle mass.

Having 2 scoops of EAA in 300ml water as a pre or post-workout drink will help you achieve your fitness goals.

Directions: Mix 1 serving (12g) in 400 ml water or any other favourite liquid and shake vigorously! Use before, during or after training, or any other time like before going to bed. Letting it sit for a while ensures best dissolution!

Expiry- 4/2023

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